We talked to our kids about charity

18 thoughts on “We talked to our kids about charity”

  1. We have tried similar things with our own kids. The challenge for us always seems to be maintaining these ideas. Maybe we are just not organized enough. I’d be interested to hear how it goes with your family!


    1. I know what you mean – the maintenance is always the tricky part. We used to give allowance on Saturdays, which was hard to remember because it wasn’t the same as payday. We’ve switched allowance day to the same day as payday, which is also the same day I pay bills. Allowance becomes one of the bills to pay, so hopefully that will make it easier to maintain.


  2. Wonderful idea and a great start to what will hopefully become a lifetime of charitable giving.


  3. Good luck! It is so hard to help them save, especially when you know they’ll never be able to save enough to buy that car. But, as your husband said, it’s getting into the habit and realizing, at a young age, that families do have to think about money and save up for things they really want. Good job, parents!


    1. Thanks Randee. I know they aren’t excited about saving now, but I’m hoping that as we show them how their accounts are growing, it will motivate them to keep contributing, and to possibly contribute more to them.


      1. And, though they may not get enough to buy a car from allowance, they’ll be ready to save portions of babysitting money or paper route money when the time comes, and even after school job money. I was able to save enough for a three week trip to Ecuador by the time I was 16!


  4. We do something similar, and are fortunate enough to be able to share more with our son. He gets £1 for each year of his age. 10% goes to charity and straight into his charity pot. The rest is divided into three: a third into his purse to spend on whatever he wants, a third into a money box to be saved up for a bigger thing, and a third into long-term saving.


    1. I remember you telling me that on a previous post – your comment is what inspired us to rethink their allowance and to start building responsibility into it. Thank you!


      1. I take no credit, as I read it somewhere else once. I am so chuffed that something I have shared has inspired someone else. Hope it works out well for you 🙂


  5. BRAVO Andrea!! To you and your husband!! What wonderful role models you are and what a wonderful lesson to teach the children.


  6. This is a wonderful post.

    Where I work, I see people (not all, but too many) of all ages who seem to have no concepts of the value of money, budgeting, or saving/charity. Your story is both heartwarming and encouraging. It’s also a good reminder of things that I learned as a child. Without letting this become a very long comment (as it could be…), thank you. I really appreciate your post. It has the brain-wheels spinning.


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