Why creative writing matters: new findings on the brain’s reaction to language

9 thoughts on “Why creative writing matters: new findings on the brain’s reaction to language”

  1. Very nice writeup. I was recently thinking about how language affect communication and understanding concepts and how may it affect the representation of the physical world inside our mind. Recently I listened to this podcast from Radiolab which is about words. I think you should listen to this: http://www.radiolab.org/2010/aug/09/.


    1. Whoa, thank you for that Radiolab link! The story about the deaf man who didn’t have language was incredible. Thanks so much for sharing that!


  2. This week, I am teaching storytelling in nonfiction to middle schoolers. They are going to love this insight into why what they write matters. Thank you!


  3. This is very insightful! I never really thought of all that till I read this. Your post just challenged me to become a better writer! Thank you! 🙂


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